Alviere Javascript SDK

Documentation version 0.1.0


  • Name : Alviere Web (JS) SDK
  • Version : v0.1.0


Alviere's Web Javascript SDK leverages our financial platform on the client side, in compliance with all security and regulations.

Getting started flow

  • Step 1 - Create an authenticated web session on a secure backchannel.
  • Step 2 - Include our SDK in your Web App using the session id above.
  • Step 3 - Instantiate our SDK and create the required Service.
  • Step 4 - Use our Service, either binding or api based (details below).

Backend Authentication

Before integrating with our SDK, you need to securely generate a session. The flow is as follows:

  1. Your backend needs to generate a web session with Alviere.
  2. Then, your frontend needs to include the Alviere web SDK (via script) using the previously generated session id.
  3. Finally, the Alviere web sdk is ready to be instantiated and used. More details here

Please see details on our API documentation

Include Web SDK

Include the SDK

The first step is to include our SDK, ideally at the very bottom of your web app.


                            <script src="{{YOUR-SESSION-ID}}"></script>


Please Note:
- You must include the session id obtained in the Backend Authentication step above.
- Make sure you use the appropriate URL depending on the mode you are in; production or sandbox.

Instantiate SDK Service

Instantiate SDK Service

After you include our SDK, it exposes a public global variable Alviere where you can access our Controller Factory. You can then use this factory to instantiate the desired Alviere Service. Each controller corresponds to one Alviere Service.

For instance, if you wanted to instantiate our Payments Service or our Fraud Service, you would call the below example.

                        let service = Alviere.Factory.NewPaymentsController({});
                        let service = Alviere.Factory.NewFraudController();

Payments Service


When a payment method is added to our system through our payments service, we perform multiple tests before encrypting and storing the card details with the highest PCI standards.

Create Card Flow

  • Create Payments Controller - Using our factory and passing the configuration object
  • Bind the SDK with your Form - This allows us to take over the form submit
  • Wait for callbacks - We will trigger the provided callbacks whenever success/failure happens

Configuration Object

                                success_cb: (result: AddCardResult) => void;
                                error_cb: (error: AddCardGatewayError) => void;
                                validation_cb: (errors: Array<AddCardValidationError>) => void;
                                debug: {boolean};

success_cb (required)
Add Card submit success. This is a function that will receive a AddCardResult object

error_cb (required)
Add Card submit error. This is a function that will receive a AddCardGatewayError object

validation_cb (required)
Add Card form validation fail. This is a function that will receive an array of AddCardValidationError objects

This, when true, will make our SDK output debug messages to console

AddCardResult Object

The result object yields information about the payment add card process result.

                              "card": {
                                "payment_method_uuid": "09f46e1f-aa02-46ec-ae6d-34946f385e3d",
                                "external_id": "string",
                                "account_uuid": "string",
                                "brand": "VISA",
                                "type": "CREDIT",
                                "country": "USA",
                                "last_4": "0000",
                                "status": "ACTIVE",
                                "status_reason": "string",
                                "flags": {
                                  "load_supported": true,
                                  "withdraw_supported": false
                                "metadata": {},
                                "created_at": "string",
                                "updated_at": "string"
                              "validation": {
                                "error_code": "",
                                "error_description": "",
                                "cvv_result": "M",
                                "avs_result": "A"

This is Alviere internal card ID. This is the uuid you should store on your backend and it allows you to perform PCI compliant operations on that payment card through your backend.

The status of the card Allowed values: CREATED, ACTIVE, FAILED, EXPIRED, REJECTED, DELETED

In case the card failed, this will hold the exact error reason.

AddCardGatewayError Object

The gateway error object yields information about request failure on the network level.

                                message: string,
                                http_code: number,
                                error_code: boolean,
                                error_description: string,

An SDK error message.

The underlying request HTTP Status Code

The Alviere internal API specific error code (when applicable)

AddCardValidationError Object

The Add Card Validation object yields information about the initial form validation result.

                                message: string,
                                field_id: string,
                                field_name: string,

An SDK validation error message.

The DOM id where the validation error was triggered

The DOM name value where the validation error was triggered

Binding the Form

The Payments Controller allows you to bind to any given DOM form. For that, you need to pass the DOM id to the controller. Please note that the form inputs must follow a specific contract with data attributes.

                            let payments = Alviere.Factory.NewPaymentsController({});

For the card holder name field

For the card number field (numeric - we will strip any dashes or spaces)

For the card expiry date (string - must be in format MM/YY)

For the card security code (numeric - must be 3 or 4 digits e.g. cvv)

This can/should be hidden field as it must have YOUR own payment method ID. This field will be stored on our servers and used for searching as well as an idempotency checking mechanism.

Full Example

The Payments Controller allows you to bind to any given DOM form. For that you need to pass the DOM id to the controller. Please note the form inputs must follow a specific contract with data attributes.

                            <!doctype html>
                            <html class="no-js" lang="">


                                <script src="{{YOUR-SESSION-ID}}"></script>
                                    payments = Alviere.Factory.NewPaymentsController({
                                        "success_cb": function handler(result) {
                                            console.log("received from success cb: " + result.card.payment_method_uuid)
                                        "error_cb": function handler(error) {
                                            console.log("received from error cb: " + error.error_description)
                                        "validation_cb": function handler(errors) {
                                            console.log("received from validation cb: " + errors)
                                        "debug": true,

                                <form id="add-card-form">
                                    <input id="name" type="text" data-alviere-id="chn" value="John Doe"><br>
                                    <input id="pan" type="text" data-alviere-id="pan" value="5280705922407691"><br>
                                    <input id="expiry" type="text" data-alviere-id="exp" value="11/22"><br>
                                    <input id="sec-code" type="text" data-alviere-id="sec" value="123"><br>
                                    <input type="hidden" data-alviere-id="mid" value="123456789abc">
                                    <input type="submit">

Fraud Service


When a consumer is created, the Fraud Service will ensure that the device data is collected and sent to our Fraud Provider, in order to reduce the fraud risk.

Fraud Flow

  • Create Fraud Controller - Using our factory
  • Start the Fraud Service - This allows us to instantiate the fraud service

Full Example

                            <!doctype html>
                            <html class="no-js" lang="">

                                <script src="{{YOUR-SESSION-ID}}"></script>
                                    fraud = Alviere.Factory.NewFraudController();


</body> </html>

Card Issued Service


With this controller you can trigger multiple operation on the Card Issuance module.

Set Pin Flow

  • Create Card Issuance Controller - Using our factory and passing the configuration object
  • Bind the SDK with your Form - This allows us take over the form submit event
  • Wait for callbacks - We will trigger the provided callbacks whenever success/failure happens

Configuration Object

                                success_cb: (result: SetPinResult) => void;
                                error_cb: (error: CardIssuanceGatewayError) => void;
                                validation_cb: (errors: Array<CardIssuanceValidationError>) => void;
                                debug: {boolean};

success_cb (required)
Set PIN submit success. This is a function that will receive a SetPinResult object

error_cb (required)
Set PIN submit error. This is a function that will receive a CardIssuanceGatewayError object

validation_cb (required)
Set PIN form validation fail. This is a function that will receive an array of CardIssuanceValidationError objects

This, when true, will make our SDK output debug messages to console

SetPinResult Object

The result object yields information about the Set PIN request result.

                                accepted: boolean,
                                error_code: string,
                                error_description: string,

If the request succeed or not

In case the request failed, this will hold the exact error reason code.

CardIssuanceGatewayError Object

The gateway error object yields information about request failure on the network level.

                                message: string,
                                http_code: number,
                                error_code: boolean,
                                error_description: string,

An SDK error message.

The underlying request HTTP Status Code

The Alviere internal API specific error code (when applicable)

CardIssuanceValidationError Object

The Card Issuance Validation object yields information about the initial form validation result.

                                message: string,
                                field_id: string,
                                field_name: string,

An SDK validation error message.

The DOM id where the validation error was triggered

The DOM name value where the validation error was triggered

Binding the Form

The Set PIN Controller allows you to bind to any given DOM form. For that, you need to pass the DOM id to the controller. Please note that the form inputs must follow a specific contract with data attributes.

                            let card_issuance = Alviere.Factory.NewCardIssuanceController({});

For the card PIN field

For the card PIN confirmation field

For the card UUID

Full Example

The Set PIN Controller allows you to bind to any given DOM form. For that, you need to pass the DOM id to the controller. Please note that the form inputs must follow a specific contract with data attributes.

                            <!doctype html>
                            <html class="no-js" lang="">


                                <script src="{{YOUR-SESSION-ID}}"></script>
                                    cardIssuance = Alviere.Factory.NewCardIssuanceController({
                                        "success_cb": function handler(result) {
                                            console.log("received from success cb: " + result.accepted)
                                        "error_cb": function handler(error) {
                                            console.log("received from error cb: " + error.error_description)
                                        "validation_cb": function handler(errors) {
                                            console.log("received from validation cb: " + errors)
                                        "debug": true,

                                <form id="card-set-pin-form">
                                    <input id="pin" type="text" data-alviere-id="pin" value="1234"><br>
                                    <input id="pin-confirmation" type="text" data-alviere-id="pinc" value="1234"><br>
                                    <input type="hidden" data-alviere-id="cuid" value="650ad655-5f91-4956-866d-764072986955">
                                    <input type="submit">

Version History (Changelog)


                                Version 0.6.0 - Dec 28th, 2023
                                - added payments add card

                                Version 0.5.0 - Sep 28th, 2022
                                - added card issued set pin

                                Version 0.4.0 - May 16th, 2022
                                - added fraud controller

                                Version 0.1.0 - Jan 13th, 2021
                                - initial version
                                - tokenization controller

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