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Payments SDK for Android

The Payments SDK is a solution to ease the integration with the Alviere services.


  • Payment Methods
  • Wallets
  • Transactions
  • Check Deposits


  • Android Studio Hedgehog or above
  • Android 6.0 (API level 23) or above
  • Java 11+


Maven Central

1. Add Maven Central to project repositories.

repositories {
    // ...

2. Add SDK dependency to module's build.gradle file using the latest version.

dependencies {
    // ...
    implementation ''


1. Get the latest version of Payments SDK provided by Alviere and add the files to your .m2 path location. Depending on your operation system, these are the default paths.

  • Windows: C:\Users\<User_Name>\.m2
  • Linux: /home/<User_Name>/.m2
  • Mac: /Users/<user_name>/.m2

2. Add a maven path to include the .m2 path location in project repositories. Add the new path before mavenCentral() to respect fetch order.

repositories {
    // ...
    maven { url "file:/path/to/repo/m2repository/" } // Or use mavenLocal() for default path.

3. Add SDK dependency to module's build.gradle file using the version provided by Alviere.

dependencies {
    // ...
    implementation ''

Java Version Support

Make sure you have enabled Java 11 language feature support. To do so, guarantee that the following configurations are on the module's build.gradle file.

android {
    // ...
    compileOptions {
        sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_11
        targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_11
    kotlinOptions {
        jvmTarget = JavaVersion.VERSION_11.toString()


On your android application class, setup Alviere Initialization.

class AndroidApplication : Application() {

  override fun onCreate() {


Request camera runtime permission for check deposit capture.

Payment Methods

This section outlines the integration with Alviere to manage payment methods. To start, get the PaymentsSdk service interface instance or use with Dependency Injection.

private val paymentsService = PaymentsSdk.service

Declare the callback

These callbacks are the main communication back channel to your application. For each action there is one method associated as follows. In addition to these methods, there is also an event method for handling events. Callbacks will always run on main thread.

private val createCardSdkCallback = object : CreateCardSdkCallback {
    override fun onSuccess(card: CardModel) { /* handle success */ }

    override fun onEvent(event: String, metadata: Map<String, String>?) { /* handle event */ }

private val listCardsSdkCallback = object : ListCardsSdkCallback {
  override fun onSuccess(cards: List<CardDetailsModel>) { /* handle success */ }

  override fun onEvent(event: String, metadata: Map<String, String>?) { /* handle event */ }

private val getCardSdkCallback = object : GetCardSdkCallback {
  override fun onSuccess(card: CardDetailsModel) { /* handle success */ }

  override fun onEvent(event: String, metadata: Map<String, String>?) { /* handle event */ }

private val deleteCardSdkCallback = object : DeleteCardSdkCallback {
  override fun onSuccess() { /* handle success */ }

  override fun onEvent(event: String, metadata: Map<String, String>?) { /* handle event */ }

private val createBankAccountSdkCallback = object : CreateBankAccountSdkCallback {
  override fun onSuccess(bank: BankAccountModel) { /* handle success */ }

  override fun onEvent(event: String, metadata: Map<String, String>?) { /* handle event */ }

private val listBankAccountsSdkCallback = object : ListBankAccountsSdkCallback {
  override fun onSuccess(banks: List<BankAccountModel>) { /* handle success */ }

  override fun onEvent(event: String, metadata: Map<String, String>?) { /* handle event */ }

private val getBankAccountSdkCallback = object : GetBankAccountSdkCallback {
  override fun onSuccess(bank: BankAccountModel) { /* handle success */ }

  override fun onEvent(event: String, metadata: Map<String, String>?) { /* handle event */ }

private val deleteBankAccountSdkCallback = object : DeleteBankAccountSdkCallback {
  override fun onSuccess() { /* handle success */ }

  override fun onEvent(event: String, metadata: Map<String, String>?) { /* handle event */ }

private val deleteBankAccountSdkCallback = object : CreatePlaidBankAccountSdkCallback {
  override fun onSuccess(pBank: BankAccountModel) { /* handle success */ }

  override fun onEvent(event: String, metadata: Map<String, String>?) { /* handle event */ }

private val activatePlaidBankAccountSdkCallback = object : ActivatePlaidBankAccountSdkCallback {
  override fun onSuccess() { /* handle success */ }

  override fun onEvent(event: String, metadata: Map<String, String>?) { /* handle event */ }


This callback method is called when a payment method was successfully executed. Use this to manage the payment methods of a user's account with the Alviere API.


This callback method is called when the user exited from the Payments SDK, when an error occurred, or when certain events in the Payments SDK flow have occurred. This allows your application to get more information about what is going on as the user goes through the Payments SDK flow. In case of an error, you may want to display information related to the error to the user and have them try doing the action again.

[UI] Create Card

The Create Card is possible to implement through Activity or through the navigation controller. To get started, set the Payments SDK event listener.



To start using this feature on an activity, create an Intent using paymentsService.createCardByIntent, pass the parent_activity, the session_token and the account_uuid. Optionally, it can be passed the external_id, and a validation object AddCardValidation with the rules to be further applied.

val intent = paymentsService.createCardByIntent(
  parentActivity = parent_activity,
  sessionToken = session_token,
  externalId = external_id,
  accountUuid = account_uuid,
  customAddCardValidation = AddCardValidation(
    minChars = 0,
    maxChar = 5,
    keyboardType = InputType.TYPE_CLASS_NUMBER,
    validCardTypes = listOf(PaymentCard.VISA, PaymentCard.MASTERCARD)

To start using this feature on a navigation controller, add the destination PaymentsActivity to your navigation graph and connect it. An action will be generated that will have to have the arguments embedded, as follows.

        app:destination="@id/create_card_by_activity" />

        app:argType="$Features" />
        app:argType="string" />
        app:nullable="true" />
        app:nullable="true" />
        app:argType="" />

Using Safe Args a class is created for each destination where an action originates. The name of this class is the name of the originating destination, appended with the word "Directions". For example, if the originating destination is a fragment that is named CreateCardFragment, the generated class would be called CreateCardFragmentDirections. This class has a method for each action defined in the originating destination, such as actionPaymentsCreateCardFragmentToCreateCardByActivity() that returns a NavDirections object. This returned NavDirections object can then be passed directly to navigate(), as shown in the following example:

    paymentsExtraFeature = PaymentsSdk.Features.CREATE_CARD,
    paymentsExtraSessionToken = session_token,
    paymentsExtraAccountUuid = account_uuid,
    paymentsExtraCardTokenCustomValidationTag = AddCardValidation(
      minChars = 0,
      maxChar = 5,
      keyboardType = InputType.TYPE_CLASS_NUMBER,
      validCardTypes = listOf(PaymentCardModel.VISA, PaymentCardModel.MASTERCARD)

Create Card

To create a card, use Payments SDK service method paymentsService.createCard. Pass the session_token, the account_uuid, the CardRequest model, the CreateCardSdkCallback and the AddCardValidation, optionally.

val model = CardRequest(...)
   sessionToken = session_token, 
   accountUuid = account_uuid,
   data = model,
   clientCallback = createCardSdkCallback

The result of this action will return the card CardModel on onSuccess(card: CardModel) and any errors will be returned on onEvent(event: String, metadata: Map<String, String>?), both from the callback.

List Cards

To get a list of cards, use the Payments SDK service method paymentsService.listCards. Pass the session_token, the account_uuid, the ListCardsSdkCallback and the limit/offset, optionally.

   sessionToken = session_token,
   accountUuid = account_uuid,
   clientCallback = listCardsSdkCallback

The result of this action will return the token card list List<CardDetailsModel> on onSuccess(cards: List<CardDetailsModel>) and any errors will be returned on onEvent(event: String, metadata: Map<String, String>?), both from the callback.

Get Card

To get a card, use the Payments SDK service method paymentsService.getCard. Pass the session_token, the account_uuid, the payment_method_uuid, the GetCardSdkCallback.

   sessionToken = session_token,
   accountUuid = account_uuid,
   paymentMethodUuid = payment_method_uuid,
   clientCallback = getCardSdkCallback

The result of this action will return the card CardDetailsModel on onSuccess(card: CardDetailsModel) and any errors will be returned on onEvent(event: String, metadata: Map<String, String>?), both from the callback.

Delete Card

To delete a card, use the Payments SDK service method paymentsService.deleteCard. Pass the session_token, the account_uuid, the payment_method_uuid, the DeleteCardSdkCallback.

  sessionToken = session_token,
  accountUuid = account_uuid,
  paymentMethodUuid = payment_method_uuid,
  clientCallback = deleteCardSdkCallback
The result of this action will return on onSuccess() and any errors will be returned on onEvent(event: String, metadata: Map<String, String>?), both from the callback.

Create Bank Account

To create a bank account, use Payments SDK service method paymentsService.createBankAccount. Pass the session_token, the account_uuid, the BankTokenRequest model, and the CreateBankAccountSdkCallback callback.

val model = BankTokenRequest(...)
  sessionToken = session_token,
  accountUuid = account_uuid,
  data = model,
  clientCallback = createBankAccountSdkCallback

The result of this action will return the bank BankAccountModel on onSuccess(bank: BankAccountModel) and any errors will be returned on onEvent(event: String, metadata: Map<String, String>?), both from the callback.

List Bank Accounts

To get a list of bank accounts, use the Payments SDK service method paymentsService.listBankAccounts. Pass the session_token, the account_uuid, the ListBankAccountsSdkCallback and the limit/offset, optionally.

   sessionToken = session_token,
   accountUuid = account_uuid,
   clientCallback = listBankAccountsSdkCallback

The result of this action will return the user's bank accounts List<BankAccountModel> on onSuccess(banks: List<BankAccountModel>) and any errors will be returned on onEvent(event: String, metadata: Map<String, String>?), both from the callback.

Get Bank Account

To get the user's bank account, use the Payments SDK service method paymentsService.getBankAccount. Pass the session_token, the account_uuid, the payment_method_uuid and the GetBankAccountSdkCallback.

  sessionToken = session_token,
  accountUuid = account_uuid,
  paymentMethodUuid = payment_method_uuid,
  clientCallback = getBankAccountSdkCallback

The result of this action will return the user's bank account BankAccountModel on onSuccess(bank: BankAccountModel) and any errors will be returned on onEvent(event: String, metadata: Map<String, String>?), both from the callback.

Delete Bank Account

To delete the user's bank account, use the Payments SDK service method paymentsService.deleteBankAccount. the session_token, the account_uuid, the payment_method_uuid and the DeleteBankAccountSdkCallback.

  sessionToken = session_token,
  accountUuid = account_uuid,
  paymentMethodUuid = payment_method_uuid,
  clientCallback = deleteBankAccountSdkCallback

The result of this action will return on onSuccess() and any errors will be returned on onEvent(event: String, metadata: Map<String, String>?), both from the callback.

Create Plaid Bank Account

To create a plaid bank account, use Payments SDK service method paymentsService.createPlaidBankAccount. Pass the session_token, the account_uuid, the PlaidBankAccountRequest model, and the createPlaidBankAccountSdkCallback callback.

val model = PlaidBankAccountRequest()
  sessionToken = session_token,
  accountUuid = account_uuid,
  data = model,
  clientCallback = CreatePlaidBankAccountSdkCallback

The result of this action will return the Plaid's bank BankAccountModel on onSuccess(pBank: BankAccountModel) and any errors will be returned on onEvent(event: String, metadata: Map<String, String>?), both from the callback.

Activate Plaid Bank Account

To activate the user's Plaid bank account, use the Payments SDK service method paymentsService.activatePlaidBankAccount. Pass the session_token, the account_uuid, the payment_method_uuid and the ActivatePlaidBankAccountSdkCallback.

  sessionToken = session_token,
  accountUuid = account_uuid,
  paymentMethodUuid = payment_method_uuid,
  clientCallback = activatePlaidBankAccountSdkCallback

The result of this action will activate a Plaid bank account in the Alviere system after an update in authentication credentials and any errors will be returned on onEvent(event: String, metadata: Map<String, String>?), both from the callback.


This section outlines the integration with Alviere to manage user's account wallets. To start, get the PaymentsSdk service interface instance or use with Dependency Injection.

private val paymentsService = PaymentsSdk.service

Declare the callback

These callbacks are the main communication back channel to your application. For each action there is one method associated as follows. In addition to this methods, there is also an event method for handling events. Callbacks will always run on main thread.

private val listWalletsSdkCallback = object : ListWalletsSdkCallback {
  override fun onSuccess(wallets: List<WalletDetailsModel>) { /* handle success */ }

  override fun onEvent(event: String, metadata: Map<String, String>?) { /* handle event */ }

private val getWalletSdkCallback = object : GetWalletSdkCallback {
  override fun onSuccess(wallet: WalletDetailsModel) { /* handle success */ }

  override fun onEvent(event: String, metadata: Map<String, String>?) { /* handle event */ }

private val listWalletTransactionsSdkCallback = object : ListWalletTransactionsSdkCallback {
  override fun onSuccess(walletTransactions: List<TransactionDetailsModel>) { /* handle success */ }

  override fun onEvent(event: String, metadata: Map<String, String>?) { /* handle event */ }

private val loadFundsSdkCallback = object : LoadFundsSdkCallback {
  override fun onSuccess(loadTransaction: TransactionModel) { /* handle success */ }

  override fun onEvent(event: String, metadata: Map<String, String>?) { /* handle event */ }

private val withdrawFundsSdkCallback = object : WithdrawFundsSdkCallback {
  override fun onSuccess(withdrawTransaction: TransactionModel) { /* handle success */ }

  override fun onEvent(event: String, metadata: Map<String, String>?) { /* handle event */ }

private val sendFundsSdkCallback = object : SendFundsSdkCallback {
  override fun onSuccess(sendTransaction: TransactionModel) { /* handle success */ }

  override fun onEvent(event: String, metadata: Map<String, String>?) { /* handle event */ }

private val transferFundsSdkCallback = object : TransferFundsSdkCallback {
  override fun onSuccess(transferFund: TransferFundModel) { /* handle event */ }

  override fun onEvent(event: String, metadata: Map<String, String>?) { /* handle event */ }


This callback method is called when a wallets request was successfully executed. Use this to manage the wallets of an user's account with the Alviere API.


This callback method is called when the user exited from the Payments SDK, when an error occurred, or when certain events in the Payments SDK flow have occurred. This allows your application to get more information about what is going on as the user goes through the Payments SDK flow. In case of an error, you may want to display information related to the error to the user and have them try doing the action again.

List Wallets

To get the list of wallets, use the Payments SDK service method paymentsService.listWallets. Pass the session_token, the account_uuid, the ListWalletsSdkCallback and the limit/offset optionally.

  sessionToken = session_token,
  accountUuid = account_uuid,
  clientCallback = listWalletsSdkCallback

The result of this action will return the wallets List<WalletDetailsModel> on onSuccess(wallets: List<WalletDetailsModel>) and any errors will be returned on onEvent(event: String, metadata: Map<String, String>?), both from the callback.

Get Wallet

To get a wallet, use the Payments SDK service method paymentsService.getWallet. Pass the session_token, the account_uuid, the wallet_uuid and the GetWalletSdkCallback.

  sessionToken = session_token,
  accountUuid = account_uuid,
  walletUuid = wallet_uuid,
  clientCallback = getWalletSdkCallback

The result of this action will return the wallet WalletDetailsModel on onSuccess(wallet: WalletDetailsModel) and any errors will be returned on onEvent(event: String, metadata: Map<String, String>?), both from the callback.

List Wallet Transactions

To get a list of wallet transactions, use the Payments SDK service method paymentsService.listWalletTransactions. Pass the session_token, the wallet_uuid, the ListWalletTransactionsSdkCallback and the limit/offset/startDate/endDate/type/status, optionally.

  sessionToken = session_token,
  walletUuid = wallet_uuid,
  clientCallback = listWalletTransactionsSdkCallback

The result of this action will return the wallet transactions List<TransactionDetailsModel> on onSuccess(walletTransactions: List<TransactionDetailsModel>) and any errors will be returned on onEvent(event: String, metadata: Map<String, String>?), both from the callback.

Load Funds

To load funds into the user's account wallet, use the Payments SDK service method paymentsService.loadFunds. Pass the session_token, the wallet_uuid, the LoadFundsRequest and the LoadFundsSdkCallback.

model = LoadFundsRequest(...)
  sessionToken = session_token,
  walletUuid = wallet_uuid,
  data = model,
  clientCallback = loadFundsSdkCallback

The result of this action will return the load transaction TransactionModel on onSuccess(loadTransaction: TransactionModel) and any errors will be returned on onEvent(event: String, metadata: Map<String, String>?), both from the callback.

Withdraw Funds

To withdraw funds from the user's account wallet, use the Payments SDK service method paymentsService.withdrawFunds. Pass the session_token, the wallet_uuid, the WithdrawFundsRequest and the WithdrawFundsSdkCallback.

model = WithdrawFundsRequest(...)
  sessionToken = session_token,
  walletUuid = wallet_uuid,
  data = model,
  clientCallback = withdrawFundsSdkCallback

The result of this action will return the withdraw transaction TransactionModel on onSuccess(withdrawTransaction: TransactionModel) and any errors will be returned on onEvent(event: String, metadata: Map<String, String>?), both from the callback.

Send Funds

To send funds from the user's account wallet to another wallet, use the Payments SDK service method paymentsService.sendFunds. Pass the session_token, the wallet_uuid, the SendFundsRequest and the WithdrawFundsSdkCallback.

model = SendFundsRequest(...)
  sessionToken = session_token,
  walletUuid = wallet_uuid,
  data = model,
  clientCallback = sendFundsSdkCallback

The result of this action will return the send transaction TransactionModel on onSuccess(sendTransaction: TransactionModel) and any errors will be returned on onEvent(event: String, metadata: Map<String, String>?), both from the callback.

Transfer Funds

To transfer funds to a local beneficiary, use the Remit SDK service method paymentsService.transferFunds. Pass the session_token, the wallet_uuid, the TransferFundsRequest model and the TransferFundsSdkCallback.

val model = TransferFundsRequest(...)
    token = session_token,
    walletUuid = wallet_uuid,
    data = model,
    clientCallback = transferFundsSdkCallback

The result of this action will return the newly created TransferFundModel on onSuccess(transferFund: TransferFundModel) and any errors will be returned on onEvent(event: String, metadata: Map<String, String>?), both from the callback.


This section outlines the integration with Alviere to manage user's account wallets transactions. To start, get the PaymentsSdk service interface instance or use with Dependency Injection.

private val paymentsService = PaymentsSdk.service

Declare the callback

These callbacks are the main communication back channel to your application. For each action there is one method associated as follows. In addition to this methods, there is also an event method for handling events. Callbacks will always run on main thread.

private val listChildTransactionsSdkCallback = object : ListChildTransactionsSdkCallback {
  override fun onSuccess(childTransactions: List<TransactionDetailsModel>) { /* handle success */ }

  override fun onEvent(event: String, metadata: Map<String, String>?) { /* handle event */ }

private val getTransactionDetailsSdkCallback = object : GetTransactionDetailsSdkCallback {
  override fun onSuccess(walletTransaction: TransactionDetailsModel) { /* handle success */ }

  override fun onEvent(event: String, metadata: Map<String, String>?) { /* handle event */ }

private val getReceiptSdkCallback = object : GetReceiptSdkCallback {
  override fun onSuccess(receipt: ReceiptModel) { /* handle success */ }

  override fun onEvent(event: String, metadata: Map<String, String>?) { /* handle event */ }

private val cancelTransactionCallback = object : CancelTransactionSdkCallback {
  override fun onSuccess() { /* handle success */ }

  override fun onEvent(event: String, metadata: Map<String, String>?) { /* handle event */ }


This callback method is called when a wallets request was successfully executed. Use this to manage the wallets of an user's account with the Alviere API.


This callback method is called when the user exited from the Payments SDK, when an error occurred, or when certain events in the Payments SDK flow have occurred. This allows your application to get more information about what is going on as the user goes through the Payments SDK flow. In case of an error, you may want to display information related to the error to the user and have them try doing the action again.

List Child Transactions

To get a list of child transactions, use the Payments SDK service method paymentsService.listChildTransactions. Pass the session_token, the transaction_uuid, the ListChildTransactionsSdkCallback and the limit/offset/type/status, optionally.

  sessionToken = session_token,
  transactionUuid = transaction_uuid,
  clientCallback = listWalletTransactionsSdkCallback

The result of this action will return the child transactions List<TransactionDetailsModel> on onSuccess(childTransactions: List<TransactionDetailsModel>) and any errors will be returned on onEvent(event: String, metadata: Map<String, String>?), both from the callback.

Get Transaction Details

To get a specific wallet transaction details, use the Payments SDK service method paymentsService.getTransactionDetails. Pass the session_token, the account_uuid, the transaction_uuid and the getTransactionDetailsSdkCallback.

  sessionToken = session_token,
  accountUuid = account_uuid,
  transactionUuid = transaction_uuid,
  clientCallback = getTransactionDetailsSdkCallback

The result of this action will return the wallet transaction detail TransactionDetailsModel on onSuccess(walletTransaction: TransactionDetailsModel) and any errors will be returned on onEvent(event: String, metadata: Map<String, String>?), both from the callback.

Get Receipt

To get a specific wallet transaction receipt, use the Payments SDK service method paymentsService.getReceipt. Pass the session_token, the account_uuid, the transaction_uuid and the getReceiptSdkCallback.

  sessionToken = session_token,
  accountUuid = account_uuid,
  transactionUuid = transaction_uuid,
  clientCallback = getReceiptSdkCallback

The result of this action will return the wallet transaction receipt ReceiptModel on onSuccess(receipt: ReceiptModel) and any errors will be returned on onEvent(event: String, metadata: Map<String, String>?), both from the callback.

Cancel Transaction

To cancel a specific transaction, use the Payments SDK service method paymentsService.cancelTransaction. Pass the session_token, the transaction_uuid and the CancelTransactionSdkCallback.

  sessionToken = session_token,
  transactionUuid = transaction_uuid,
  data = model,
  clientCallback = cancelTransactionSdkCallback

The result of this action will return on onSuccess() and any errors will be returned on onEvent(event: String, metadata: Map<String, String>?), both from the callback.

Check Deposits

This section outlines the integration with Alviere to manage check deposits. To start, get the PaymentsSdk service interface instance or use with Dependency Injection.

private val paymentsService = PaymentsSdk.service
private val tokenRepository = TokenRepository()
Declare the callback

These callbacks are the main communication back channel to your application. For each action there is one method associated as follows. In addition to this methods, there is also an event method for handling events. Callbacks will always run on main thread.

private val depositCheckSdkCallback = object : DepositCheckSdkCallback {
  override fun onSuccess(check: CheckDetailsModel) { /* handle success */ }

  override fun onEvent(event: String, metadata: Map<String, String>?) { /* handle event */ }

private val checkCaptureSdkCallback = object : CheckCaptureSdkCallback {
  override fun onSuccess(checkCapture: CheckCaptureDetailsModel) { /* handle success */ }

  override fun onEvent(event: String, metadata: Map<String, String>?) { /* handle event */ }

private val listChecksSdkCallback = object : ListChecksSdkCallback {
  override fun onSuccess(checks: List<CheckDetailsModel>) { /* handle success */ }

  override fun onEvent(event: String, metadata: Map<String, String>?) { /* handle event */ }

private val getCheckSdkCallback = object : GetCheckSdkCallback {
  override fun onSuccess(check: CheckDetailsModel) { /* handle success */ }

  override fun onEvent(event: String, metadata: Map<String, String>?) { /* handle event */ }


This callback method is called when a payment method was successfully executed. Use this to manage the payment methods of a user's account with the Alviere API.


This callback method is called when the user exited from the Payments SDK, when an error occurred, or when certain events in the Payments SDK flow have occurred. This allows your application to get more information about what is going on as the user goes through the Payments SDK flow. In case of an error, you may want to display information related to the error to the user and have them try doing the action again.

[UI] Deposit Check

The Deposit Check is implemented through Activity or through the navigation controller. To get started, set the Payments SDK event listener and obtain a camera token.



To start using this feature on an activity, create an Intent using paymentsService.depositCheckByIntent, pass the parent_activity, the session_token, the camera_token, the wallet_uuid, the external_id, the CurrencyModel, the amount and the Array<CheckServiceFeeModel>, optionally.

val intent = paymentsService.depositCheckByIntent(
  parentActivity = parent_activity,
  sessionToken = session_token,
  cameraToken = camera_token,
  walletUuid = wallet_uuid,
  externalId = external_id,
  currency = CurrencyModel.USD,
  amount = 100,

To start using this feature on a navigation controller, add the destination PaymentsActivity to your navigation graph and connect it. An action will be generated that will have to have the arguments embedded, as follows.

        app:destination="@id/deposit_check_by_activity" />

        app:argType="$Features" />
        app:nullable="true" />
        app:nullable="true" />
        app:nullable="true" />
        app:nullable="true" />
        android:defaultValue="USD" />
        app:nullable="true" />
        android:defaultValue="false" />

Using Safe Args a class is created for each destination where an action originates. The name of this class is the name of the originating destination, appended with the word "Directions". For example, if the originating destination is a fragment that is named DepositCheckFragment, the generated class would be called DepositCheckFragmentDirections. This class has a method for each action defined in the originating destination, such as actionDepositCheckFragmentToDepositCheckByActivity() that returns a NavDirections object. This returned NavDirections object can then be passed directly to navigate(), as shown in the following example:

    paymentsExtraFeature = PaymentsSdk.Features.DEPOSIT_CHECK,
    paymentsExtraSessionToken = session_token,
    paymentsExtraCameraToken = camera_token,
    paymentsExtraCheckWalletUuid = wallet_uuid,
    paymentsExtraExternalId = external_id,
    paymentsExtraCheckCurrency = CurrencyModel.USD,
    paymentsExtraCheckAmount = 100,

Deposit Check

To deposit a check, use the Payments SDK service method paymentsService.depositCheck. Pass the session_token, the wallet_uuid, the external_id, the CurrencyModel, the amount, the serviceFees, the checkCapture from paymentsService.checkCaptureByIntent and the DepositCheckSdkCallback.

and the List<CheckServiceFeeModel>, optionally.

  sessionToken = session_token,
  walletUuid = wallet_uuid,
  externalId = external_id,
  currency = CurrencyModel.USD,
  amount = 100,
  serviceFees = serviceFees,
  checkCapture = checkCapture,
  clientCallback = depositCheckSdkCallback

The result of this action will return a check CheckDetailsModel on onSuccess(check: CheckDetailsModel) and any errors will be returned on onEvent(event: String, metadata: Map<String, String>?), both from the callback.

[UI] Capture Check

Capture Check Only, a Capture Mode through Activity or through the navigation controller. To get started, set the Payments SDK event listener and obtain a camera token.



To start using this feature on an activity, create an Intent using paymentsService.checkCaptureByIntent, pass the parent_activity and the camera_token.

val intent = paymentsService.checkCaptureByIntent(
  parentActivity = parent_activity,
  cameraToken = camera_token,

To start using this feature on a navigation controller, add the destination PaymentsActivity to your navigation graph and connect it. An action will be generated that will have to have the arguments embedded, as follows.

        app:destination="@id/check_capture_by_activity" />

        app:argType="$Features" />
        app:nullable="true" />
        android:defaultValue="false" />

Using Safe Args a class is created for each destination where an action originates. The name of this class is the name of the originating destination, appended with the word "Directions". For example, if the originating destination is a fragment that is named CheckCaptureFragment, the generated class would be called CheckCaptureFragmentDirections. This class has a method for each action defined in the originating destination, such as actionCheckCaptureFragmentToCheckCaptureByActivity() that returns a NavDirections object. This returned NavDirections object can then be passed directly to navigate(), as shown in the following example:

    paymentsExtraFeature = PaymentsSdk.Features.DEPOSIT_CHECK,
    paymentsExtraCameraToken = camera_token,
    paymentsExtraCheckCaptureOnly = true,

List Checks

To get a list of checks, use Payments SDK service method paymentsService.listChecks. Pass the session_token, the wallet_uuid, the ListChecksSdkCallback and the limit/offset/startDate/endDate, optionally.

   sessionToken = session_token, 
   walletUuid = wallet_uuid,
   clientCallback = listChecksSdkCallback

The result of this action will return the checks List<CheckDetailsModel> on onSuccess(checks: List<CheckDetailsModel>) and any errors will be returned on onEvent(event: String, metadata: Map<String, String>?), both from the callback.

Get Check

To get a check, use the Payments SDK service method paymentsService.getCheck. Pass the session_token, the wallet_uuid, the check_uuid and the GetCheckSdkCallback.

   sessionToken = session_token,
   walletUuid = wallet_uuid,
   checkUuid = check_uuid,
   clientCallback = getCheckSdkCallback

The result of this action will return a check CheckDetailsModel on onSuccess(check: CheckDetailsModel) and any errors will be returned on onEvent(event: String, metadata: Map<String, String>?), both from the callback.

Alternative Usage

Optionally for every SDK callback entry function without UI, there is an alternative suspend function with the same name without callback to run inside a kotlin coroutine. Internal code will run with withContext(Dispatchers.IO) and will return an object of type Response<T>.

val response = ...
when (response) {
  is Response.Success -> { }
  is Response.Error -> { response.metadata }


To start using the PaymentsCustomize create the custom object and set it by PaymentsSdk.setCustomize. This will override only the values that you want to customize.

First we have customization objects by features, as follows:

Class Attribute Description
PaymentsCustomize cardTokenCustomize Create Card customization
captureCustomize Capture customization

Then we have all the view components for each of these features. As follows:

Class Attribute Description
ToolbarCustomize backgroundColorRes Background color resource
showBackButton Back button visibility
showCloseButton Close button visibility
Class Attribute Description
LoadingCustomize backgroundColorRes Background color resource
loadingBarColorRes Loading bar color resource
loadingTitleRes Loading title text resource
loadingTitleColorRes Loading title color resource
loadingTitleTextSizeRes Loading title text size resource
loadingMessageRes Loading message text resource
loadingMessageColorRes Loading message color resource
loadingMessageTextSizeRes Loading message text size resource
loadingBarColor Loading bar color
loadingTitle Loading title text
loadingTitleColor Loading title color
loadingTitleTextSize Loading title text size
loadingMessage Loading message text
loadingMessageColor Loading message color
loadingMessageTextSize Loading message text size
Class Attribute Description
TryAgainCustomize toolbarCustomize Toolbar customization
backgroundColorRes Background color resources
errorIcon Error drawable
errorMessageRes Error message resources
errorMessageColorRes Error message color resources
errorMessageTextSizeRes Error message text size resources
buttonBackgroundRes Button background drawable
buttonTextRes Button text resources
buttonTextColorRes Button text color resources
buttonMarginStartRes Button margin start resources
buttonMarginEndRes Button margin end resources
buttonMarginBottomRes Button margin bottom resources
buttonMarginTopRes Button margin top resources
buttonTextSizeRes Button text size resources
backgroundColor Background color
errorMessage Error message
errorMessageColor Error message color
errorMessageTextSize Error message text size
buttonText Button text
buttonTextColor Button text color
buttonTextSize Button text size
buttonMarginStart Button margin start
buttonMarginEnd Button margin end
buttonMarginBottom Button margin bottom
buttonMarginTop Button margin top
Class Attribute Description
AlviereTextViewCustomize textColorRes text color resource
textSizeRes Text size resource
textColor Text color
textSize Text size
Class Attribute Description
AlviereButtonCustomize textRes Button text resource
textColorRes Button text color resource
textSize Button text size resource
backgroundDrawable Button background drawable
marginStartRes Button margin start resource
marginEndRes Button margin end resource
marginBottomRes Button margin bottom resource
marginTopRes Button margin top resource
height Button height resource
text Button text
textColor Button text color
textSize Button text size
marginStart Button margin start dimension
marginEnd Button margin end dimension
marginBottom Button margin bottom dimension
marginTop Button margin top dimension
height Button height dimension
Class Attribute Description
AlviereTextInputEditTextCustomize textColorRes Input text color resource
textSizeRes Input text size resource
textColor Input text color
textSize Input text size
Class Attribute Description
AlviereEditTextCustomize textColorRes Edit text color resource
textSizeRes Edit text size resource
textColor Edit text color
textSize Edit text size

View Resources

In addition to all Payments SDK functionalities, the Alviere SDKs also provides the ability to customize view resources.

Custom view components can be configured in two ways. The easiest (and recommended) method is by overriding _colors.xml__, strings.xml and dimens.xml resources, setting the key and value according to the following table. Alternatively, you can create customization object.

Override resources

To start using the customization by resources just override the keys that you want to customize.


The Payments SDK for Android allows you to customize the main UI Theme used by activities. To do so, you will need to override the theme key that you want to change on your themes.xml file from values and values-night folder. Some UI elements use specific colors that need to be override apart in values and values-night.

<style name="PaymentsSdkTheme" parent="Theme.MaterialComponents.DayNight.DarkActionBar">
    <item name="colorPrimary">@color/alviere_sdk_payments_color_primary</item>
    <item name="colorPrimaryVariant">@color/alviere_sdk_payments_color_primary_variant</item>
    <item name="colorOnPrimary">@color/alviere_sdk_payments_color_on_primary</item>
    <item name="colorSecondary">@color/alviere_sdk_payments_color_secondary</item>
    <item name="colorSecondaryVariant">@color/alviere_sdk_payments_color_secondary_variant</item>
    <item name="colorOnSecondary">@color/alviere_sdk_payments_color_on_secondary</item>
    <item name="android:statusBarColor">@color/alviere_sdk_payments_color_status_bar</item>
    <item name="android:navigationBarColor">@color/alviere_sdk_payments_color_navigation_bar</item>
    <item name="android:windowBackground">@color/alviere_sdk_payments_color_background</item>
    <item name="android:fontFamily">@string/alviere_sdk_payments_font</item>
    <item name="android:windowLightNavigationBar" tools:targetApi="o_mr1">true</item>

<style name="PaymentsSdkTheme.NoActionBar">
    <item name="windowActionBar">false</item>
    <item name="windowNoTitle">true</item>


The Payments SDK for Android allows you to customize the UI font. To do so, you will need to override the font key that you want to change on your strings.xml file. The next section details a list of the current available keys.

Key PaymentsCustomize Support
alviere_sdk_payments_font No


The Payments SDK for Android allows you to customize the UI colors. To do so, you will need to override the color key that you want to change on your colors.xml file from values and values-night folders. The next section details a list of the current available keys.

Key PaymentsCustomize Support
alviere_sdk_payments_color_primary No
alviere_sdk_payments_color_primary_variant No
alviere_sdk_payments_color_on_primary No
alviere_sdk_payments_color_secondary No
alviere_sdk_payments_color_secondary_variant No
alviere_sdk_payments_color_on_secondary No
alviere_sdk_payments_color_status_bar No
alviere_sdk_payments_color_navigation_bar No
alviere_sdk_payments_color_background No
Key PaymentsCustomize Support
alviere_sdk_payments_card_token_form_background Yes
alviere_sdk_payments_card_token_edit_text_color Yes (alviereTextInputEditText)
alviere_sdk_payments_card_token_edit_hint_color No
alviere_sdk_payments_card_token_edit_hint_focused_color No
alviere_sdk_payments_card_token_edit_error_text_color No
alviere_sdk_payments_card_token_submit_button_background Yes (submitButton)
alviere_sdk_payments_card_token_submit_button_background_pressed No
alviere_sdk_payments_card_token_submit_button_text Yes (submitButton)
Key PaymentsCustomize Support
alviere_sdk_payments_capture_surround_overlay_color No
alviere_sdk_payments_capture_success_text_color No
alviere_sdk_payments_manual_capture_title_color Yes (manualCaptureOptionsTv)
alviere_sdk_payments_manual_capture_option_color Yes (manualCaptureOptionsTv)
Key PaymentsCustomize Support
alviere_sdk_payments_loading_background Yes
alviere_sdk_payments_loading_bar Yes
alviere_sdk_payments_loading_title Yes
alviere_sdk_payments_loading_message Yes
Key PaymentsCustomize Support
alviere_sdk_payments_try_again_background Yes
alviere_sdk_payments_try_again_error_message_text_color Yes
alviere_sdk_payments_try_again_button_background Yes
alviere_sdk_payments_try_again_button_background_pressed Yes
alviere_sdk_payments_try_again_button_text Yes
Key PaymentsCustomize Support
alviere_sdk_payments_toolbar_background Yes
alviere_sdk_payments_toolbar_title_text_color No
alviere_sdk_payments_toolbar_buttons_color No

Text and Localization

The Payments SDK for Android allows you to customize the UI text. To do so, you will need to override the string key that you want to change on your strings.xml file. The next section details a list of the current available keys. Currently, the SDK only supports english.

Key English Value PaymentsCustomize Support
alviere_sdk_payments_card_token_title Add card Yes
alviere_sdk_payments_card_token_pan_hint Card Number Yes
alviere_sdk_payments_card_token_expire_date_hint MM/YY Yes
alviere_sdk_payments_card_token_cvv_hint CVV Yes
alviere_sdk_payments_card_token_cardholder_name_hint Cardholder’s Name Yes
alviere_sdk_payments_card_token_postal_code_hint Zip Code Yes
alviere_sdk_payments_card_token_submit_button_text Add Yes
alviere_sdk_payments_card_token_error_required_field Required Yes
alviere_sdk_payments_card_token_error_invalid Invalid Yes
alviere_sdk_payments_card_token_error_invalid_or_unsupported_card Invalid or unsupported card Yes
Key English Value PaymentsCustomize Support
alviere_sdk_payments_documents_title_check_deposit_front Check Front Yes
alviere_sdk_payments_documents_title_check_deposit_back Check Back Yes
alviere_sdk_payments_documents_title_preview Photo preview Yes
alviere_sdk_payments_documents_step Step %1$d of %2$d Yes
alviere_sdk_payments_documents_is_photo_ok Accept photo? Yes
alviere_sdk_payments_documents_accept_photo Accept Yes
alviere_sdk_payments_documents_retake Cancel Yes
alviere_sdk_payments_documents_success Success Yes
Key English Value PaymentsCustomize Support
alviere_sdk_payments_capture_hint_too_dark Too dim No
alviere_sdk_payments_capture_hint_too_bright Too bright No
alviere_sdk_payments_capture_hint_hold_still Hold Still No
alviere_sdk_payments_capture_hint_too_far Too far No
alviere_sdk_payments_capture_hint_too_close Too close No
alviere_sdk_payments_capture_hint_reduce_glare Reduce glare No
alviere_sdk_payments_capture_hint_use_plain_background Busy background No
alviere_sdk_payments_capture_hint_use_dark_background Low contrast No
alviere_sdk_payments_capture_hint_wrong_check_front Not check front No
alviere_sdk_payments_capture_hint_wrong_check_back Not check back No
alviere_sdk_payments_capture_hint_not_found Nothing detected No
alviere_sdk_payments_capture_hint_mrz_not_found Nothing detected No
alviere_sdk_payments_capture_hint_press_manual_button Press button when ready No
alviere_sdk_payments_capture_hint_straighten Angle too large No
Key English Value PaymentsCustomize Support
alviere_sdk_payments_loading_title Yes
alviere_sdk_payments_loading_message Yes
Key English Value PaymentsCustomize Support
alviere_sdk_payments_try_again_error_message An error has occurred Yes
alviere_sdk_payments_try_again_error_button_text Try again Yes


The Payments SDK for Android allows you to customize the UI dimensions. To do so, you will need to override the dimension key that you want to change on your dimens.xml file. The next section details a list of the current available keys.

Key PaymentsCustomize Support
alviere_sdk_payments_card_token_button_height Yes
alviere_sdk_payments_card_token_button_margin_start Yes
alviere_sdk_payments_card_token_button_margin_end Yes
alviere_sdk_payments_card_token_button_margin_bottom Yes
alviere_sdk_payments_card_token_button_margin_top Yes
alviere_sdk_payments_card_token_button_corner_radius No
alviere_sdk_payments_card_token_button_text_size Yes
alviere_sdk_payments_card_token_input_text_size Yes
Key PaymentsCustomize Support
alviere_sdk_payments_documents_title_max_size Yes
alviere_sdk_payments_capture_overlay_bar_padding No
alviere_sdk_payments_capture_subtitle_text_size No
alviere_sdk_payments_capture_text_padding No
alviere_sdk_payments_manual_capture_title_size Yes (manualCaptureTitleTv)
alviere_sdk_payments_manual_capture_option_size Yes (manualCaptureOptionsTv)
Key PaymentsCustomize Support
alviere_sdk_payments_loading_title_text_size Yes
alviere_sdk_payments_loading_message_text_size Yes
Key PaymentsCustomize Support
alviere_sdk_payments_try_again_button_margin_start Yes
alviere_sdk_payments_try_again_button_margin_end Yes
alviere_sdk_payments_try_again_button_margin_bottom Yes
alviere_sdk_payments_try_again_button_margin_top Yes
alviere_sdk_payments_try_again_button_corner_radius No
alviere_sdk_payments_try_again_button_text_size Yes
alviere_sdk_payments_try_again_message_text_size Yes