Package-level declarations


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data class ActivateCardRequest(val last4: String, val expirationDate: String, val securityCode: String? = null)

Card information which it will be use to activate card.

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data class AddCardGoogleRequest(val googleWalletId: String?, val stableHardwareId: String?, val displayCardName: String, val displayLast4Digits: String, val cardBrand: CardBrandModel)

Model that holds the card data to be added to google digital wallet.

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data class AuthRulesRequest(val allowedMerchants: AllowedMerchantsModel? = null)

Card authorization rules request model.

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data class CardPinRequest(val pin: String)

Card pin.

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data class CardUpdateRequest(val externalId: String? = null, val authRules: AuthRulesRequest? = null, val incentives: IncentivesRequest? = null, val metadata: Map<String, JsonPrimitive>? = null, val shippingAddress: ShippingAddressRequest? = null)

Model that holds the card data to be updated.

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data class CustomFieldsRequest(val shippingMethod: ShippingMethodTypeModel? = null, val nameOnCard: String? = null, val carrierId: String? = null, val carrierMessage: String? = null)

Custom Fields.

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data class FundsSourceRequest(val paymentMethodUuid: String? = null, val walletUuid: String? = null)

Funds source.

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data class IncentiveRuleRequest(val externalId: String, val incentiveType: IncentiveTypeModel, val transactionType: TransactionTypeModel? = null, val description: String, val scope: IncentiveScopeModel, val value: IncentiveValueModel, val merchants: IncentiveMerchantsModel? = null, val expirationRules: ExpirationRulesModel? = null)

Incentive rule.

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data class IncentivesRequest(val ruleUuids: List<String>? = null, val incentiveRules: List<IncentiveRuleRequest>? = null)

Incentive rules to be applied on this card. This can be passed on as an array of existing incentive rule entities, or as an array of incentive rules that will be created ad-hoc as part of this card.

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data class IssueCardRequest(val externalId: String, val productId: String, val initialBalance: Long? = null, val shippingAddress: ShippingAddressRequest? = null, val authRules: AuthRulesRequest? = null, val embossId: String? = null, val customFields: CustomFieldsRequest? = null, val serviceFees: List<ServiceFeeModel>? = null, val metadata: Map<String, JsonPrimitive>? = null, val incentives: IncentivesRequest? = null, val autoPinGeneration: Boolean? = null)

Issue Card.

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data class NonReloadablePrepaidCardRequest(val externalId: String, val productId: String, val initialBalance: Long, val fundsSource: FundsSourceRequest, val shippingAddress: ShippingAddressRequest? = null, val authRules: AuthRulesRequest? = null, val embossId: String? = null, val autoPinGeneration: Boolean? = false, val customFields: CustomFieldsRequest? = null, val serviceFees: List<ServiceFeeRequestModel>? = null, val metadata: Map<String, JsonPrimitive>? = null)

Issue Non-Reloadable prepaid card.

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data class ReissueReplaceCardRequest(val externalId: String, val action: ReissueReplaceActionModel, val reason: ReissueReplaceReasonModel, val description: String?, val shippingAddress: ShippingAddressRequest?, val customFields: CustomFieldsRequest?, val serviceFees: List<ServiceFeeModel>?)

Reissue/Replace Card Model.

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data class ShippingAddressRequest(val line1: String?, val line2: String? = null, val postalCode: String?, val city: String?, val state: String?, val country: CountryModel?) : Address

Shipping Address.