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data class AccountUpdateInformationRequest(val consumerInformation: ConsumerInformationRequest? = null, val businessInformation: BusinessInformationRequest? = null, val stakeholderInformation: StakeholderInformationRequest? = null, val cardholderInformation: CardholderInformationRequest? = null)

Account information data to be updated according to account type AccountTypeModel.

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data class AccountUpdateRequest(val externalId: String? = null, val profile: String? = null, val accountInformation: AccountUpdateInformationRequest, val metadata: Map<String, JsonPrimitive>? = null)

Updates an account in the system.

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data class AddressRequest(val externalId: String?, val label: String? = null, val line1: String, val line2: String? = null, val postalCode: String, val city: String, val state: String? = null, val country: CountryModel) : Address

Model that holds the address data to be added.

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data class AddressUpdateRequest(val externalId: String? = null, val label: String? = null, val line1: String? = null, val line2: String? = null, val postalCode: String? = null, val city: String? = null, val state: String? = null, val country: CountryModel? = null) : Address

Model that holds the address data to be updated.

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data class BusinessInformationRequest(val businessType: BusinessTypeModel? = null, val businessName: String? = null, val doingBusinessAs: String?, val countryOfIncorporation: CountryModel? = null, val phoneNumber: String? = null, val website: String? = null, val emailAddress: String? = null, val natureOfBusiness: String? = null, val accountPurpose: AccountPurposeTypeModel? = null, val accountPurposeDetails: String? = null, val tradingVolume: String? = null, val transactionVolume: String? = null, val sourceOfFunds: SourceOfFundsTypeModel? = null, val stateOfIncorporation: String? = null, val ein: String? = null, val companyId: String? = null, val vatNumber: String? = null, val incorporationDate: String? = null)

Account business information.

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data class CardholderInformationRequest(val firstName: String? = null, val middleName: String? = null, val lastName: String? = null, val dateOfBirth: String? = null, val emailAddress: String? = null)

Account Cardholder information.

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data class ConsumerInformationRequest(val firstName: String? = null, val middleName: String? = null, val lastName: String? = null, val dateOfBirth: String? = null, val ssn: String? = null, val phoneNumber: String? = null, val emailAddress: String? = null)

Account consumer information.

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data class ProfileRequest(val profile: String, val statusString: String, val status: ProfileStatusModel? = statusString.getEnum<ProfileStatusModel>(), val stage: String?, val statusReason: String?)

Profile request model.

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data class StakeholderDetailsRequest(val externalId: String? = null, val stakeholderTypes: List<StakeholderTypeModel>? = null, val officerTitles: List<String>? = null, val percentOwnership: Float? = null, val firstName: String? = null, val middleName: String? = null, val lastName: String? = null, val dateOfBirth: String? = null, val primaryAddress: AddressRequest? = null)

Stakeholders of a business account.

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data class StakeholderInformationRequest(val stakeholderTypes: List<StakeholderTypeModel>? = null, val officerTitles: List<String>? = null, val percentOwnership: Float? = null, val firstName: String? = null, val middleName: String? = null, val lastName: String? = null, val dateOfBirth: String? = null)

Account stakeholder information.