Package-level declarations


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data class BankAccountModel(val paymentMethodUuid: String, val externalId: String, val accountUuid: String, val statusString: String, val status: BankStatusModel? = statusString.getEnum<BankStatusModel>(), val statusReasonString: String?, val statusReason: PaymentMethodStatusReasonModel? = statusReasonString?.getEnum<PaymentMethodStatusReasonModel>(), val typeString: String, val type: BankTypeModel? = typeString.getEnum<BankTypeModel>(), val last4: String, val countryString: String, val country: CountryModel? = countryString.getEnum<CountryModel>(), val currencyString: String, val currency: CurrencyModel? = currencyString.getEnum<CurrencyModel>(), val isPlaid: Boolean, val flags: BankFlagsModel, val bankAccountDetails: BankAccountDetailsModel, val failReason: String?, val createdAt: String, val updatedAt: String, val metadata: Map<String, JsonPrimitive>? = null)

Bank account.

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data class CardDetailsModel(val paymentMethodUuid: String, val externalId: String, val accountUuid: String, val brandString: String, val brand: CardBrandModel? = brandString.getEnum<CardBrandModel>(), val typeString: String, val type: CardTypeModel? = typeString.getEnum<CardTypeModel>(), val countryString: String, val country: CountryModel? = countryString.getEnum<CountryModel>(), val last4: String, val statusString: String, val status: CardStatusModel? = statusString.getEnum<CardStatusModel>(), val statusReasonString: String?, val statusReason: PaymentMethodStatusReasonModel? = statusReasonString?.getEnum<PaymentMethodStatusReasonModel>(), val flags: CardFlagsModel?, val createdAt: String, val updatedAt: String, val metadata: Map<String, JsonPrimitive>? = null)

Card Details.

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data class CardModel(val card: CardDetailsModel, val validation: CardValidationModel?)

Card response.

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data class CheckCaptureDetailsModel(var encodedFront: String, var encodedBack: String)

Check capture details.

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data class CheckDetailsModel(val checkUuid: String, val transactionUuid: String, val walletUuid: String, val externalId: String, val accountUuid: String, val checkNumber: String, val routingNumber: String?, val currencyString: String, val currency: CurrencyModel? = currencyString.getEnum<CurrencyModel>(), val amount: Long, val statusString: String, val status: CheckDepositStatus? = statusString.getEnum<CheckDepositStatus>(), val statusReason: String?, val payorInformation: PayerInformationModel?, val createdAt: String, val updatedAt: String, var frontImage: String?, var backImage: String?, var rejectedReasons: List<String>?)

Check details.

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data class ReceiptModel(val receiptUuid: String, val receiptDate: String, val receiptNumber: String, val transaction: ReceiptTransactionDetailsModel)

Wallet transaction receipt.

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data class ReceiptTransactionDetailsModel(val transactionUuid: String, val externalId: String, val transactionTypeString: String, val transactionType: TransactionTypeModel? = transactionTypeString.getEnum<TransactionTypeModel>(), val origin: ReceiptOriginModel?, val destination: ReceiptDestinationModel?, val description: String, val exchangeRate: String, val transactionDate: String, val paymentMethod: PaymentMethodModel?, val serviceFees: List<ReceiptServiceFeeModel> = emptyList(), val amount: Long, val currencyString: String, val currency: CurrencyModel? = currencyString.getEnum<CurrencyModel>(), val typeDetails: ReceiptTypeDetailsModel?, val metadata: Map<String, JsonPrimitive>?)

Receipt transaction details.

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data class TransactionModel(val transaction: TransactionDetailsModel, val validation: ValidationModel?)

Wallet transaction.

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data class TransferFundModel(val transaction: TransactionDetailsModel?, val validation: ValidationResultModel?)

Transfer fund transaction.

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data class WalletDetailsModel(val walletUuid: String, val externalId: String, val accountUuid: String, val typeString: String, val type: WalletTypeModel? = typeString.getEnum<WalletTypeModel>(), val statusString: String, val status: BankStatusModel? = statusString.getEnum<BankStatusModel>(), val statusReason: String, val currencyString: String, val currency: CurrencyModel? = currencyString.getEnum<CurrencyModel>(), val funds: WalletFundsModel, val label: String, val bankAccountDetails: BankAccountFullDetailsModel?, val createdAt: String, val updatedAt: String)

Wallet details.